Hello guys!!! Did you miss me?
As some of you know, I've been swept off my feet again to London a week ago. Well, I've exagerrated that one... it was a necessary trip to London ;)
Anyway... I thought I'd share you a few photos I've taken in the city. I do apologise... no photos of myself have been taken during the trip. My bf is not that sad to take my photos hahahahaha!
Picadilly Circus... I could say that I'm the one in the pink dress but she's got short hair... so... no... it's not me hahahahahaha!
Another one of Picadilly Circus... as you can see... only the tourist guard Eros... Yes, the little naked man with bow and arrow ;)... oh yeah... wings as well hahahaha!
Trafalgar Square... Sorry guys, I didn't mean to show you Lord Nelson's bum but I couldn't be bothered to walk in front of the square so I took this photo from the National Gallery after we visited a few famous paintings. Has anyone got any unwanted Monet or Van Gough piece kicking about? I'll have it please!

Another one of the Tafalgar Square... As you can see, there are a few scaffoldings in the photos. I think they were preparing for the St. George party. Some half naked guys were shouting whilst flying the English flag (St. George Cross flag that is)

At last we were heading back home. The St. Pancras International Train Station. As you can see... everyone was looking misserable. It was about 7pm, what do you expect? ;)
That was or recent trip to London. In June... I'll be taking you to Edinburgh. I'm soooo excited about the trip and I can't wait as I've never been to Scotland :)
What a fun trip! :)
sis! the shots are lovely! I stay true to what I said awhile ago :) I need a photo of YOU AND NEIL! :P
Oh yeah, another trip!!! Enjoy!!!! Is neil going to wear the costume?
Yes Chrissy, it was but it would've been better if I've been sensible enough to wear comfy shoes instead of my Gucci Stilittos hahahahaha!
Hahahahaha! Sis, promise, I'll post a photo of Neil and I during our trip in Edinburgh and if he doens't like it... tough! I'll drag him hahahahaha! Yes, that's a good idea sis, I'll make him wear the skirt thing hahahahahahahaha! You're naughty sis! Did you know that apparently, they don't wear undies when wearing the skirt thing? Hahahahaha! I don't wish to know hahahahaha!
What? No undie?? What if there's a sudden gust of wind ? I'm sure sis, if there's no wind, you'll be right beside the skirt blowing! :P hahahahha now I'm super laughing!
Sis, they wear that metal thing on top of the skirt thing so it'll stop it from flying and exposing what shouldn't be shown on public hahahahaha! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Nooooo!!!!! Hahahahahaha!
ahhh that's good to know, imagine going to Scotland seeing men with flying skirts ? LOL I don't know if I'll get scared or I'll laugh about it! :P
Sis, it'll scare me then I'd laugh hahahahaha! Sis, your comments may just make Scotland the best holiday destination in the world hahahahaha!
women with cameras flocking to Scotland! weeee!!!! :) Ah hah! My comment made you excited no??? LOL Peace Neil!
Hahahahaha! Sis, I can now picture myself in June. I'd be thinking of you... with giggles hahahhaha!
london is really beautiful.. godbless on your next trip.. :D
Thank you Donnarence, sis! :) xxx
Lol at some of the comments ;D.
Lovely pictures :). I hope you enjoyed it :).
Cris, sis! That's sis Nikki for you! She always try to pull my leg hahahahaha!
Hi sis... Wow the place is beautiful, well my friend just left for the UK she went to Wales, I was thinking of sending some pasalubong for you but unfortunately UK is very big and she said where exactly is she and I said I have no idea... ha ha ha.. Well I hope you'll have a wonderful time on your next trip... =)
Oh my, I'm jealous!
I wish I could go to London. - Huhuhu =(
wow what an awesome trip. Wheres a photo of yourself?
That's right sis Kristine! Wales is quite far from where I live. I've never been back to Wales since my first visit to UK in 1997. xxx
Hahahaha! Mszchysser! London is a beautiful city to visit specially on summer :) I'm sure you'll get to visit the city soon :)
Hiya, iambeautiful20! No... no photo of myself... My bf has not been sad enough to take any. Next time, I'll make him hahahahaha! xxx
lovely pictures sis gracie! I once heard that they don't really wear anything down there except their skirts, I think I heard it from Samantha of SATC! lol!
Thank you sis Diana! Traditionally, they don't wear under pants when they wear those skirt thing. Mind you, my bf's brother-in-law got married wearing one... I'll ask him next time I see him hahahahaha!
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