Rule: Take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW. No pimping or preparing. Load the picture onto your blog. Tag some people to play.
I guess I wasn't so unlucky to get this tag because I was quite made up when I got it hahahahaha! You think you'll catch me without make up huh! As you can see... I get myself ready first before tidying up...hence the untidy background and if you notice, I have a few clothes that needed ironing as well.
I had to crop this photo though because the place was a right mess... that's what you get when you've got a 10 year old boy (yeah, it's nice to have someone to blame hahahaha!)

I was just about to start tidying up my living room and ironing our clothes and linen when I turned my pc on check my blog when I got the tag... so I took this photo.
Now, I'm tagging...
Shen! Sorry sis... it looks like everyone else have been tagged :( Luv ya sis!
pretty as always,sis!
sis!!! i was hoping to see you without makeup!!! hahahah But I guess you are one lucky gal!! wait till you come down here in August, I'll tie you up in a chair then I'll ask the sisses to take out the makeup remover! hahaa JOking! happy weekend sis and Advance Happy Mother's Day!!!!!
Yeah your lucky!! I got caught after work and i looked tired lol. YOu look great as always :)
@ thiamere: Thank you sis! My big face! Hahahahaha!
@ askmewhats: Oh sis Nikki! No no no no no!!! I'll never be seen without make up on hahahahaha! Thank yo sis... Happy mother's day to your mom and mom-in-law as well?
@ iambeautiful20: Yes sis... Lucky is my second name hahahahaha! Thank you :)
Lol, you are lucky >:-D. But I'm sure you're just as beautiful without make-up.
When I did this, I had some (relatively natural) make-up on, but everyone thought that was my bare face! I'm not sure what to think of that :-P...
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