I have been inspired by the beautiful English summer that I tried to come up with brighter make up hopefully saying goodbye to gloomy winter... At the moment, I'm going through a rough time and I could do with cheering up hence brighter make up... bring on the colours!
Saturday, 30 May 2009
I have been inspired by the beautiful English summer that I tried to come up with brighter make up hopefully saying goodbye to gloomy winter... At the moment, I'm going through a rough time and I could do with cheering up hence brighter make up... bring on the colours!
Hello guys! Great to see you here again!... and welcome to those of you who are visiting my blog for the first time :)
Anyway, today, I thought I'd share with you my recent Clinique purchase... well, nothing much exciting about my purchases because I must have already posted those products many times in the past year. As some of you have probably worked it out... I'm a sucker for Clinique pressed powder that I do hoard them... of course... everytime there are free gifts on the table hahahahahaha! Well, duh! It's recession! We beauty followers will have to be clever at financial weather like this ;)
Anyway... feel free to browse through my new stuff ;)

For a third purchase (but has to be a skin care), I got this gorgeous picnic mat that can be carried around like a bag. Great for summer picnic in park. Anyone wants to join me?

Up Lighting Liquid Illuminator... this poor thing rolled down the floor unnoticed so it wasn't included on the photo shoots hahahahahaha! Never mind... it has it's own special place although it does look lonely on its own hahahahahaha! It has now been reunited with the rest ;)
Last month, I got my second £50 (80.92 USD/3,812 PHP) worth voucher from Flannels (my favourite designer shop ;)). I originally planned to use it against a pair of shoes but the pair I wanted didn't materialize so I ended up using it on a pair of earings instead.
The good thing about Flannels is that when you spend £1,000 (1,618 USD/76,812 PHP), you'll get £50 worth voucher. I think it is a good deal, don't you? The earings were originally priced at £120 (194 USD/9,150 PHP)... so at the end... they cost me £70... bargain or what?
Anyway, I thought I'd share with you my new pair of earings... they really are sweet and I love them to bits! I wear them to work hahahahahaha!

Thursday, 21 May 2009
Hello you my gorgeous friends!!! Did you miss me? I surely missed you guys!!! What can I say? I'm soooo glad to be back. I've missed blogging so much and I could never be any happier that my internet connection have been sorted. I've been browsing some of your posts and oh my... I've got loads to catch up, I'm telling ya! I thought it was going to take a lot longer to resolve my internet problems but I'm glad it, it has been surprisingly quick... so here I am... back to blogging :)
Anyway, being 'the' come back kid... ;)... I thought I'd throw in a post of one of my latest purchases although I got these ones before my internet connection became a big pain in the...
As some of you probably know, I've been some kind of a La Mer lady since February this year and I'm getting so into them that eventhough the prices a bit steep (specially with the current economic condition), this is probably something I would want to be carry on using. In my economic status, I'd say that it was expensive to get the whole line to start with but now that I only have eto buy the items that I'm running out, it's not so heavy on the budget anymore.
Below are the 2 items that I bought plus a gift :D

That's all from me for now guys and I look forward to publishing my next post. Take care you guys... It's nice to be back... I missed you all!!!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Hello guys!!! I just thought that it's only right that I apologize to you all for not being able update my blogs in the coming few weeks.
I have been having problem with my internet connection with having to move on temporary accommodation. I am currently using a mobile broadband and it feels like moving to that hideous 56K modem (those of you who can remember using it about 10 years ago will know exactly what it's like). I'm hoping that this problem could be resolved soon so I can get on with my non-stop blogging (alright, I'm exagerrated that bit). I just got a warning of failure as we speak so I'm not even sure now if this would publish (Bloody thing!).
Anyway, as this is already starting to get on my nerves... I have to say bye bye for now. Please bear with me. I'll have more stuff to share when I eventually made it back to un-interrupted publishing ;)
Love you guys and I will surely miss you all.
Take care all of you and stay pretty.
Loadsa luvs...
Your ever Glitzy (ish) & Glamourous (ish)...
Gracie xxx
Saturday, 9 May 2009
A leaflet came through my letter box this morning and look at this free goodies we can avail starting next week!

Not as generous as what we saw in London the last time we were there but I guess, even them, they're also feeling the credit crunch hence the limited gift items.
Rule: Take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW. No pimping or preparing. Load the picture onto your blog. Tag some people to play.
I guess I wasn't so unlucky to get this tag because I was quite made up when I got it hahahahaha! You think you'll catch me without make up huh! As you can see... I get myself ready first before tidying up...hence the untidy background and if you notice, I have a few clothes that needed ironing as well.
I had to crop this photo though because the place was a right mess... that's what you get when you've got a 10 year old boy (yeah, it's nice to have someone to blame hahahaha!)

Thursday, 7 May 2009
Thank you very much Kristine for nominating me... very much appreciated :)
I have mentioned many times on my previous posts how I've met many beauty bloggers and connected with them. It really is a great feeling knowing that we're not alone in our addiction to make up and other forms of vanity. It's great to know that this form of addiction is now being embraced by millions of women and we are now able to express this freely. I've once thought that vanity is something very personal and it's something that I would never share publicly. However, when I discovered beauty blogging through Jheng I found out that it's amazing how things are done through blogging. I just love the way women share beauty tips and tricks and I must say, I have learned a lot... so thank you guys!
1. Take your award here.
2. Put the logo on your post.
3. Link the person who awarded you.
4. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers.
5. Add the links of those bloggers on yours.
6. Leave a message for your nominees.
Monday, 4 May 2009
Last Saturday night, I had the chance to enjoy a good night out once again. I don't got out that often as I feel that I'm getting too old for that. However, it was the night that I can't really miss specially when it was me who suggested the date to celebrate the first wages of two of our new colleagues (you know what it likes when you've just qualified and on your first job... first pay is definitely something to celebrate ;)).
Anyway as not all of could attend the party because we cannot afford to leave the ward without staff in it, it was nice as most of us who were off that night turned up.
Although I've only managed to take a few photos of the night, I thought I might as well share them with you guys ;)

Guess what... It's me again!
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Last month, I was trying to find something that I could use as an alternative to my pricey Creme de la Mer Lifting Serum when I came across Lancome Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate. The product looked promising so I've decided to grab one.

After using these products for a week, I have noticed that they have undone the improvement that the La Mer Lifting Serum has given me. They literally took the radiance that my skin had in the past 8 weeks of using the range of La Mer skin care that I use. although I carried on using my other La Mer skin care products minus the Lifting serum replacing it with the above 2 products, I felt that my skin was going back to its state before I started La Mer and I found it alarming that I stopped using them and get back to my La Mer lifting serum. They just didn't work for me.
Will I purchase these products again?
God no! I've already promised to give these products to a friend for her to try.
Before buying this product, try the sample first because although it is not as expensive as Creme de La Mer, it is still a bit pricey at over £50 GBP. The clinical trial that Lancome has conducted on these product came out with positive results so... who knows? This might be the right product for you.
Have a great weekend everyone and... oh yeah...!
Just watching Skynews and there's an update on Pacquio V Hatton match tonight... they've done the weighing and Pacqiao is slightly under the weight limit whilst Hatton is bang on the limit. Does this mean that our Pacqiao is on disadvantage for this match. It will be decided tonight so... tune in!