Hello my dearies!!! Are you sitting comfortably? Hahahaha! You're probably thinking that I'm cracking up hahahaha!
Anyway, you're probably wondering why I sound this cheerful. Well, I've got no reason to be cheerful at the moment as I've not been feeling great. I had to see my doctor (on a short notice) because of dizzy spells that I've been having in the past few months (it has gone worse last Friday and Saturday was a nightmare. I really did struggle to finish my shift). So, yesterday, I made the decision to try and sort my health out and hopefully get to the bottom of all these. It's funny that being a nurse, I'm very good with giving health care advice but when it comes to my own health, I tend to ignore my symptoms which is not a great idea. So, yesterday, as I went to see my doctor he suggested that I should have some blood tests done. Now, here's the problem, I'm not very good with needles... I don't mind doing it to my patients but I hate taking it (not surprising, is it? Nurses and doctors are the worse patients ;)). Anyway, as the practice nurse took blood from me, she had to stick two needles on my both middle arms the first one she did on the left side wasn't succesful but the right one was okay. I'm such a nightmare when it comes to taking bloods as I've got such tiny delicate veins (trust me to be a difficult patient hahahaha!). Anyway, I'm hoping to get my blood test results this afternoon and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there's not much of a problem. I'm hoping that it's only a matter of having a low hb (haemoglobin), which can be treated with iron tablets... please, no blood transfusions! (Keeping my fingers crossed). As you can can see, I'm thinking of the worse case scenarion again... stop it! Well, no point fretting about it... I'll wait until I get my results and deal with it as it comes.
Anyway! I just thought I'd share with you the FOTD I came up with last Sunday using my MAC Russian Red lippy. I've opted for neutral eye make up so the look didn't come across that that strong. Now, tell me ladies... HIT or MISS!!! Just be honest, I'll take it as a constructive criticism. Not unless you post a vile comment, I'll publish it hahahahaha! :P
For this look, I've only used my FX cream foundation and Clinique double matte pressed powder (No concealers!) For my eye make up... I used my 120 eyeshadow palette from my last year's collection. I know that lotS of us own this palette hahahaha! I remember reading posts after posts of this palette on other's blog sites when I bought it. Lani (thanks chick!) has been good enough to give me the link to this eye palette. Hey, for those of you who have been wanting to get the Bobbi Brown bright eyes palette... I'm recommending this one.