I just thought I'd share with you guys my new favourite mascara. It's Define A-Lash by Maybelline. What can I say about this product? First let me tell you on the qualities of a good mascara for me. 1. Make sure that it is water proof... Check!!! 2. User friendly... this really is easy to apply that even after 3 strokes, does not clump... so... Check!!! 3. Inexpensive... at £8.49 or around $13USD or around 591 PHP on current rate... now... that is budget friendly price. So... Check!!! 4. Easy to clean... Of course, just like any other make up, we have to remove mascara as well and this is fuss free when it comes to cleansing. So... Check!!! So... it ticks all the boxes and I am ever so pleased! :) Hands down to this little but fantastic product and I'm giving this 5/5. That's how impressed I am with this product. My eyelashes looks longer when wearing this mascara and the amazing part of it... even after cleansing my face, the curls don't seem to disappear and my eyelashes seem to look and feel longer and thicker as well. I would recommend this to friends and family :)
What about you? Have you got a current favourite mascara? If you have... what is it? If you're looking for an effective and inexpensive mascara, I'd recommend you try this :)
I have! But of course, you know me..and US! We're always wanting to try newer ones :)
Sis, I know exactly what you mean! I'm sure this is not the last time that I'll try a new product but I'd definitely go back to this one until I find something better :) xxx
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